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France takes 'exceptional measures' to handle crisis

China Daily | Updated: 2013-03-14 07:05

Heavy snowfall followed by a significant drop in temperatures hit northern France, leaving 80,000 households and nearly 200,000 people temporarily without electricity on Tuesday.

While the weather started to improve on Wednesday, Meteo France, the country's weather agency, warned of extreme cold and substantial amounts of ice from frozen snow, making transport difficult.

"With temperatures lowered to -8 C to -11 C on the snow-covered ground, the greatest caution over roads with slippery pavements should remain," the agency said.

President Francois Hollande said the government is taking "exceptional measures" to deal with an "exceptional storm". Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault has set up an inter-ministerial crisis working group to coordinate measures implemented by the government to ensure security and transport.

China Daily

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