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Time running out for Middle East negotiations, Kerry says

By Agencies in Washington | China Daily | Updated: 2013-06-05 08:02

US Secretary of State John Kerry urged Israel and the Palestinians on Monday to revive stalled peace talks, warning that the alternative is a "negative spiral of responses".

"We're running out of time. If we do not succeed now, we may not get another chance," Kerry said in a speech to the US Jewish Committee in which he urged US Jews to support efforts to revive the stalled talks. "The status quo is simply not sustainable."

His warning comes as reports say he is planning to return to the Middle East within days for his fifth trip since he launched an attempt to kick-start the negotiations in early February.

"We can't let the disappointments of the past hold the future prisoner. We can't let the absence of peace become a self-fulfilling prophecy," Kerry said in one of his most passionate speeches to date on the elusive search for peace.

He said the best way to ensure Israel's security is to end "once and for all conflict with the Palestinians by summoning the courage to achieve peace and by reaching a negotiated resolution".

"The absence of peace is perpetual conflict. ... We will find ourselves in a negative spiral of responses and counter-responses that could literally slam the door on a two-state solution," he said.

Kerry, who has visited Israel four times in his four months in office to try to restart peace talks, acknowledged skepticism that the two sides could resolve their differences.

US-brokered peace efforts broke down in 2010 in a dispute over Jewish settlements on the West Bank. The Palestinians want a settlement construction freeze, while Israel insists talks should be held without preconditions.

"I fully recognize the challenges and predicament in which Israel finds itself, but I also firmly believe this is a hopeful time if we choose to make it so. This can actually be a time for possibility, a time for promise," Kerry said.

"I still believe peace is achievable."

Kerry said a stable Palestinian state and a flourishing economy would strengthen Israel's security. During a visit to Jordan last month, he announced a plan to spur Palestinian growth with up to $4 billion in private investment.

Earlier on Monday, Kerry said he will decide at some point whether to return to Israel and the Palestinian territories to push for decisions by the two sides on reviving talks.


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