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World waiting for news on Mandela's condition

By Agencies in Johannesburg | China Daily | Updated: 2013-06-28 08:07

 World waiting for news on Mandela's condition

People look at tributes outside the Mediclinic Heart hospital in Pretoria on Thursday, where former South African president Nelson Mandela is on life support. Filippo Monteforte / AFP

Daughter says father responding to family, but 'doesn't look good'

South Africans prayed and waited on Thursday after another downturn in the condition of ailing anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela forced President Jacob Zuma to cancel a trip to neighboring Mozambique.

Zuma had been due to attend a summit in Maputo of the Southern African Development Community to discuss regional infrastructure, but pulled out after visiting the 94-year-old former president in hospital late on Wednesday.

"Over the past 48 hours, the condition of former president Madiba has gone down," presidential spokesman Mac Maharaj told state broadcaster SABC, using the clan name by which Mandela is affectionately known.

On Thursday morning, Mandela's eldest daughter Makaziwe led a group of his grandchildren to see the retired statesman in the Pretoria hospital where he has been receiving treatment since June 8 for a lung infection.

Makaziwe told SABC radio after her visit that Mandela was responding to touch.

"I won't lie, it doesn't look good. But as I say, if we speak to him, he responds and tries to open his eyes. He's still there. He might be waning off, but he's still there," she said.

One granddaughter, Ndileka, described him as "stable" and thanked well-wishers from around the world for their support.

Maharaj had earlier declined to comment on media reports that South Africa's first black president was on life support, saying his privacy should be respected.

Mandela's fourth hospitalization in six months has forced a growing realization among South Africans that the man regarded as the father of their post-apartheid "Rainbow Nation" will not be among them forever.

"Mandela is very old and at that age, life is not good. I just pray that God takes him this time. He must go. He must rest," said Ida Mashego, a 60-year-old office cleaner in Johannesburg's Sandton financial district.

Mandela is admired around the world as a symbol of resistance to injustice for the way he opposed his country's apartheid system, spending 27 years in jail, more than half of them on notorious Robben Island.

He is also respected for the way he preached reconciliation after the 1994 transition to multiracial democracy following three centuries of white domination.

'Celebrating his life'

Well-wishers' messages, bouquets and stuffed animals have piled up outside Mandela's Johannesburg home and the wall of the hospital compound where he is being treated in the capital.

As they headed to work on Thursday, South Africans seemed resigned to the prospect of losing their hero.

"We are all going to feel bad when he passes, but at the same time we will be celebrating his life. He has done so many great things for this country," said John Ndlovu, a 25-year-old office worker.

Mandela stepped down in 1999 after one five-year term in office.

The public's last glimpse of him was a brief clip aired by state television in April during a visit to his home by Zuma and other officials from the ruling African National Congress.

At the time, the 101-year-old liberation movement said Mandela was "in good shape", although the footage showed a thin and frail old man sitting expressionless in an armchair.

Meanwhile messages of goodwill flooded in from overseas.

UN leader Ban Ki-moon said the whole world was praying for "one of the giants of the 20th century".

"I know our thoughts and prayers are with Nelson Mandela, his family and loved ones, all South Africans and people across the world who have been inspired by his remarkable life and example," Ban said.

Reuters - AFP

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