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Manning trial moves to sentencing phase

By Agencies in Washington and Fort Meade, Maryland | China Daily | Updated: 2013-08-01 07:51

Manning trial moves to sentencing phase

A supporter of Bradley Manning carries a sign during a demonstration in front of the White House in Washington on Tuesday. Manning was acquitted of charges of aiding the enemy, but faces a sentencing that could see him spend the rest of his life in prison. Pablo Martinez Monsivais / Associated Press

US soldier who leaked documents to WikiLeaks may take the stand

US soldier Bradley Manning's court martial moves to the sentencing phase on Wednesday, one day after he was convicted of espionage but cleared of "aiding the enemy" by leaking US secrets to WikiLeaks.

Manning was acquitted at a military trial on Tuesday of the most serious charge against him - that in having delivered a trove of US government files to the anti-secrecy group, he sought to willfully help al-Qaida.

But he was found guilty of espionage and other charges that carry as much as 136 years in prison.

Manning's sentencing hearing could take as long as a month, with each side expected to present about 10 witnesses, possibly including Manning himself, the defense has said.

Tuesday's verdict follows an exhaustive two-month court martial at the Fort Meade military base in Maryland near the US capital.

The 25-year-old US army private first class was working as an intelligence analyst near Baghdad when he was arrested more than three years ago, and he has been in military custody ever since.

Having admitted earlier this year that he had passed a trove of 700,000 documents to WikiLeaks, Manning's culpability was no longer in question and he was ultimately found guilty of all but two of the 22 offenses for which he was tried.

US government lawyers argued that the soldier exhibited malign intent in transmitting the files to WikiLeaks, which later published them, much to the embarrassment of the US and its allies.

The prosecution had argued that Manning's actions directly benefited Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida, but Colonel Denise Lind, the presiding judge, was not persuaded beyond a reasonable doubt that such damage had occurred.

Lind found him guilty of seven of eight counts he faced under the Espionage Act, including counts of stealing US government property and the committal of computer fraud relating to confidential records.

He was also found guilty of "wanton publication of intelligence on the Internet," and of leaking graphic cockpit footage of two US Apache attack helicopters killing 12 civilians on a Baghdad street - a video dubbed Collateral Murder when it was released by WikiLeaks.

Manning was found not guilty of leaking classified records relating to a US military airstrike in the Granai region of Afghanistan in May 2009.

He was convicted on all five counts that he failed to obey military orders and regulations in his handling and improper storage of confidential information.

The case is considered crucial to the fate of those who disclose government information. Manning's disclosures largely comprised US diplomatic cables and classified battlefield reports from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The judgment met with fury from WikiLeaks, which said on Twitter that the court's decision reflected "dangerous national security extremism" on the part of US President Barack Obama's White House.

Manning's defense team had argued throughout the trial that he was not evil but "young and naive" and that he acted out of conscience, seeking to shine a light on what he felt was government misconduct.

But the prosecution insists Manning recklessly betrayed his uniform and his country by leaking documents he knew al-Qaida would see and use.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange called Manning a "hero" on Tuesday, and said he expected Manning to appeal.


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