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'Court of law should not be affected by public opinion'

By Cao Yin | China Daily | Updated: 2013-08-05 07:02

Justice is blind and must be seen to be blind, a leading sociologist said, amid heated public discussion over a controversial case.

Judicial bodies, especially courts, must always be objective and remain unswayed by public opinion, no mater how difficult, said Wang Ping, managing director of the Chinese Society for Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Research.

Wang was speaking against the background of the case involving Li Tianyi, son of Li Shuangjiang, a famous army singer.

The son is a suspect in a rape case that has sparked widespread public debate.

"It's just a criminal case," Wang said, adding that whether the suspect is a celebrity's son or not makes no difference.

Comments from various parties involved in the case have been reported by the media, but this is not a welcome development, he said.

Lan He, legal counsel of Li's family, believes it is good to stay quiet before the trial and let the facts speak for themselves in court.

Public opinion is one thing, but it has no place in a court of law, he said.


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