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FTA strengthens bilateral partnership

China Daily | Updated: 2013-09-27 07:03

Q+A: Olafur Ragnar Grimsson

World Eye Reports sat down with the President of Iceland Olafur Ragnar Grimsson to discuss the country's bilateral relationship with China.

How will the Free Trade Agreement impact Iceland-China relations?

The FTA demonstrates that Iceland and China share many interests, that we want to further develop our relationship, and marks an important new era in international cooperation between our two countries.

Iceland's role in northern Europe is of significant importance to China and the FTA will benefit both countries.

Through our knowledge of geothermal and hydroelectric power, Iceland can play a role in China's shift from a coal and oil based economy to a clean energy economy.

China is rich in sources of medium and low level geothermal energy and Icelandic companies are actively participating in developing China's resources.

The FTA will lead to further economic cooperation between the two countries in many sectors and will play a role in strengthening the global economy.

What does the future hold for Iceland's economy?

Iceland is founded on independence, democracy and progress. Our fishing and farming based economy has developed into an advanced, technology driven society.

We have strengthened our creative, educational, technology, tourism and energy sectors while continuing to manage our ocean resources in a responsible manner.

Our on-going recovery from the financial crisis in 2008 is a remarkable achievement and as we emerge from this period of recovery, Iceland is well positioned for the future.

What are your expectations for the Iceland -China partnership?

While we are geographically far apart and have vastly different histories, both Iceland and China are working closely to strengthen their diplomatic and trade relations.

We intend to continue building a constructive and sustainable partnership for future generations and strengthen the Iceland-China relationship within the international community.

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