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Singapore 'debarking' idea angers dog lovers

By Reuters in Singapore | China Daily | Updated: 2014-08-30 08:07

A suggestion by Singapore's public housing authority that owners of noisy dogs consider "debarking" their pets to avoid inconveniencing neighbors has raised animal lovers' hackles in the city-state and prompted much ridicule on social media.

The authority, the Housing and Development Board, recommended in a notice posted in a residential block that one option for dogs that will not keep quiet is to "debark" them.

Debarking involves removing a section of a dog's vocal cords to reduce the volume of its bark and is recommended as a solution of "last resort" to control noisy pets, according to the Singapore Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority's website.

Animal welfare groups say the practice is cruel to the animal.

"A dog also barks when it is in a stressed or anxious mode, and not hearing the dog does not mean the dog is in a stable state of mind," Action for Singapore Dogs said in a Facebook post.

On Thursday, the HDB apologized for causing anxiety to dog owners and said it had taken down the notice.

The notice was in response to feedback about "dog barking nuisance in the middle of the night" in a block of public housing apartments.

Other options it suggested for controlling nuisance dogs are obedience training and training collars, according to a photograph of the Aug 22 notice that was posted online by Action for Singapore Dogs.

"I'm sure everyone has someone they wish they could 'debark'," said a Twitter user with the handle @frhn.

"Debarking? Maybe you should try sewing your mouth," said another with the handle @salihinsuran.

Singapore's limited land area means that most of the island's 5.3 million people live in apartments. The city also places a lot of importance on being courteous and tidy.

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