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Major events in china-fiji relations

China Daily | Updated: 2014-11-22 08:41

On Nov 5, 1975, China and Fiji established diplomatic relations. There have been frequent high-level visits between the two countries since then.

In April 1985, Hu Yaobang, then-general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, paid a goodwill visit to Fiji with the aim of promoting mutual understanding and friendship.

In June 1992, then-premier Li Peng paid a brief friendly visit to Fiji on his way to Rio de Janeiro to attend the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development.

In September 2003, then-Fijian president Ratu Josefa Iloilo made a weeklong unofficial visit to China at the invitation of then-president Hu Jintao. The two leaders held talks on bilateral relations and issues of mutual concern.

In April 2006, then-premier Wen Jiabao paid an official visit to Fiji. The two sides decided to establish and strengthen an important cooperative partnership in a bid to promote long-term and healthy bilateral relations in the 21st century.

In September 2010, Fijian President Epeli Nailatikau attended the 2010 China Investment and Trade Fair in Yinchuan, capital of the Ningxia Hui autonomous region, and then traveled to Shanghai for the World Expo on the occasion of China's National Pavilion Day.

In August 2014, President Xi Jinping met in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, with Nailatikau, who was on a special trip for the opening ceremony of the 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games.



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