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Anti-graft drive covers art circles

China Daily | Updated: 2015-01-16 07:13

IT'S REPORTED that the domestic anti-corruption campaign has spread to show business and the arts, which has attracted the public's attention. Some famous calligraphers and musicians have been investigated by the supervision authorities because of their involvement in the corruption of officials. Comments:

The anti-corruption campaign should cover all social sectors rather than be limited to certain fields, because corruption can take place everywhere. It's not surprising that show biz celebrities and artists are being investigated. The art and culture circles should not be the seedbed for graft.

The Beijing News, Jan 15

Sending art works and antiques has become a way to bribe officials in recent years. Expensive calligraphy, paintings or antiques rather than money, houses or cars have been used. It shows the central authorities' resolution to crack down on graft in any way.

Southcn, Jan 14

The news that the anti-corruption campaign has spread to art and culture circles has won wide public support, which shows public opinion on this issue. In recent years, art and culture circles have fallen into vanity, and celebrity scandals have frequently been exposed.

Shenzhen Evening News, Jan 15


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