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What Li said during the two sessions

China Daily | Updated: 2015-03-12 07:28

With CPPCC members

The premier responded to a report that Chinese tourists to Japan often buy toilet seat lids to bring home. He called for an open attitude to the trend and for the acceleration of the upgrading of the domestic sanitation industry. "If the toilet seat lids are of the same quality, at least the consumers can save the air ticket."

With NPC deputies from Shandong province

With the exception of confidential statistics, all government data should be made public to facilitate cloud computing and to allow the public to advise the government in the decision-making process, Li said.

With NPC deputies from Jiangsu province

Many fiscal and monetary policies have yet to be employed. The government will take steps if the economy slumps further, Li said.

With NPC deputies from Sichuan province

"I have a proposal from all the female deputies of the panel. Today is International Women's Day, and we would like to invite Premier Li to be part of our group photo," NPC deputy Zhao Ping said on Sunday.

Female lawmakers from Sichuan province, who were in Beijing for the annual session of the National People's Congress, invited Premier Li to join them in marking International Women's Day.

With NPC deputies from Hebei province

Li said production overcapacity is not necessarily a problem, and excess goods could be transferred either to the underdeveloped western areas, or to overseas markets in need of cement, flat glass and steel: "I have told government officials that Hebei is the top choice in the transfer of excess production to overseas markets."

With NPC deputies from Heilongjiang province

A deputy from the Hezhe ethnic group displayed photos of the rebuilding work in a flood-hit area in her hometown.

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