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CMEC Carries Social Responsibility in Equatorial Guinea

China Daily | Updated: 2015-04-30 07:28

 CMEC Carries Social Responsibility in Equatorial Guinea

Employees from Equatorial Guinea are trained at CMEC headquarters in China. Photos Provided To China Daily

Editor's note: China Machinery Engineering Corporation, known as CMEC, is the country's leading engineering contractor, mainly engaged in international electric power projects. Zhang Chun, president of CMEC, talked to China Daily reporter Fu Chao about the company's major projects in the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, which it entered in 2006, the latest developments in the country and how CMEC is fulfilling its corporate social responsibilities there.

Please give a brief introduction of CMEC. How did the company's projects in Equatorial Guinea begin?

Founded in 1978, CMEC was the first large engineering and trade company in China. Part of the China National Machinery Industry Corp, it has international projects in more than 150 countries and regions.

There was a huge demand for electricity and better infrastructure after the economic boom in the 1990s. In the 2006 Beijing Forum and Ministerial Conference of Forum on China-Africa Cooperation, Equatorial Guinea and China decided to cooperate in infrastructure, especially electricity, transportation and communications. CMEC was then the largest electric power contractor in China and had long been part of China's efforts to help African countries improve their infrastructure development. So with that background, CMEC took the opportunity to enter Equatorial Guinea.

How are CMEC projects doing there?

CMEC has launched 15 electric power projects in the capital city Malabo and the continental region, worth a total of $1.7 billion. In Malabo, CMEC participated in the renovation and building of the city electric power system, a total of five projects, covering power plant building and in-house installation. In the continental region, CMEC engaged in power transmission and distribution projects, including developing the country's power grid system. These projects are all basically complete and there have been no security problems or quality complaints.

What have the CMEC projects brought to the local economy and society?

In general, the new electric power system built by CMEC fulfilled the demand for electricity in the country. People there are no longer worried about power cuts and their living conditions have improved. The new system also provides infrastructure backup for the country's social and economic development.

Specifically, the electric power grid project in Malabo provides electricity to areas where important government organizations are located. The CMEC gas-fired power plant project enhances the capital's electricity generating system.

The national power grid project in the continental region provides electricity to all the major cities in the area. In 2009, President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo attended the foundation-laying ceremony for the project.

After the electric power projects are completed, does that mean CMEC will have finished its mission there? What has CMEC done to maintain the efficient running of the infrastructure?

The country's economy keeps booming and there are more international events coming to the country. Although the electric power system has been greatly improved, the management professionals in this sector are not qualified enough. So CMEC has used its own budget to cover operations and maintenance work. Since 2010, CMEC has sent more than 100 technical experts to help and train the operating staff in Equatorial Guinea. CMEC also sends local technicians from Equatorial Guinea to training programs in China.

As a leading international contractor, how does CMEC fulfill its corporate social responsibilities in the country?

CMEC has initiated and participated in a range of charity efforts. Construction of the Equatorial Guinea Electric Power College was finished at the end of 2013. The college already has graduates who are working in different sectors of the electric power industry.

The president of Equatorial Guinea is now visiting China at the invitation of President Xi Jinping. What's your take on the economic and trade ties between the two countries? What's the plan for CMEC in Equatorial Guinea?

The friendship between the two countries is deep and long-standing. In recent years, there has been a lot of cooperation on economic and trade projects. The visit by President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo will definitely yield more fruit for both countries. New ways of cooperation will be explored and more new sectors will be developed.

In the future, CMEC will continue to offer advice and consultancy help to Equatorial Guinea. We will also develop new markets in the country and try to change our function as an engineering contractor to a technology and service contractor.




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