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Hezbollah make strategic border gains to protect Lebanon

By Associated Press in Qalamoun Mountains | China Daily | Updated: 2015-05-12 07:43

In pockets of the rugged mountains near the Lebanese border, the distinctive yellow flag of Hezbollah now flies where al-Qaida militants once held sway.

These gains in the Qalamoun Mountains represent a bright spot for Syrian President Bashar Assad's government, now reeling from a unified insurgent assault in the country's northwest. And again, they show the power and influence of the Lebanese militant group in Syria's civil war, grinding on into its fifth year after killing more than 220,000 people.

A team of journalists traveling with Hezbollah into Syria found smiling Hezbollah fighters proudly showing newly dismantled booby traps and food quickly left behind by the Sunni insurgents as commanders promised further advances they say protect Lebanon.

But in Lebanon, worries persist that Hezbollah's battlefield successes only further entangle the country in Syria's violence, risking attacks back home as well.

The Qalamoun Mountains are on the Syrian side of the border with Lebanon. They tower near Syria's capital, Damascus. They link Assad's city power base to the coast, an enclave of his Alawite sect and an offshoot of Shiite Islam.

But the Sunni militants of the local al-Qaida chapter, called the Nusra Front and the Islamic State group, have been dug into the terrain for years.

Although Hezbollah officials say a full-blown assault to recover Qalamoun hasn't started, Hezbollah fighters in recent days have captured large areas and strategic hills. On Thursday, attacking from the fields of the Syrian border town of Assal al-Ward, they met comrades on the offensive from the outskirts of the Lebanese village of Brital.

"The situation is better than perfect," one smiling Hezbollah fighter said, speaking along with others anonymously.

Insurgents appear to have left their camps in a hurry. Groceries, medicines and other supplies littered their camps. At a Hezbollah position, fighters installed a 130 mm cannon pointed deeper into Syria. Wooden ammunition boxes nearby bore Persian words - a sign of the support of Iran, a major benefactor of both Hezbollah and Assad.

Some 3,000 militants are in the Qalamoun region, almost equally split between the Nusra Front and the Islamic State group, a Hezbollah commander recently said in Beirut. He said Hezbollah and Syrian troops surround the Qalamoun from the north, the east and the south, as well as part of the west, squeezing the Islamic militants who remain.

But analysts say the fight is not expected to have immediate military repercussions in Lebanon - though it directly affects Assad's survival and Hezbollah's reputation.

(China Daily 05/12/2015 page11)

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