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Chief executive cites support from NPC chairman on future strategy

By Joseph Li in Hong Kong | China Daily | Updated: 2015-07-14 08:04

National People's Congress Chairman Zhang Dejiang supports the work of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government and the accomplishments of the constitutional reform task force over the past 20 months, Chief Executive Leung Chunying said on Monday.

Zhang, the highest official in charge of Hong Kong and Macao affairs, met Leung on Monday in Beijing.

Leung revealed that Zhang said he has great confidence in Hong Kong's future and backs Leung's proposal to focus his policy objectives on economic development and jobs in the next two years.

Speaking to the media in Beijing as he wrapped up his two-day visit, Leung said Zhang "fully affirmed and was very satisfied with my work and the work of the SAR government, including the political reform work by the constitutional reform" task force.

Leung added that Zhang "also expressed his steadfast support for my governance and the work of the SAR government in accordance with the law".

Zhang mentioned a series of opportunities for future development that are strategically important to Hong Kong, including the Belt and Road Initiative, the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (2016-20), the 13th National Five-Year Plan, the Shanghai-Hong Kong (Stock) Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong (Stock) Connect, and the Guangdong and Fujian free trade zones, Leung said.

"We shall make the best use of these development opportunities for the benefit of the current generation and better development opportunities for the young people of the next generation," Leung said.

He also said he would keep an open mind on suggestions for making the best of available development opportunities by listening not only to businessmen, but to citizens and especially young people, since they are Hong Kong's future.

To show his sincerity, Leung has been meeting with various political parties, including the pan-democratic camp, and he said he was pleased that the opposition had not boycotted the meetings as before.

He said he hoped to cooperate with various parties and urged the opposition to stop the "noncooperation movement" in the Legislative Council.

Leung brushed aside media reports that he would step down in January. Some Hong Kong media organizations "look for negative angles" of the Beijing visit "and even, as a habit, create rumors", he said.

As for a second term, he responded that he would work very hard to serve Hong Kong if given the opportunity.


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