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PLA urges more US military cooperation

By Chen Weihua in Washington | China Daily USA | Updated: 2015-10-02 10:54

Call for increased trust and more cooperation

A senior People's Liberation Army officer has called for more practical military-to-military cooperation with the United States, while urging the US side to take action to avoid misunderstandings and misjudgment.

Sun Jianguo, deputy chief of General Staff of the PLA, was quoted on Thursday on the Ministry of National Defense website as saying that China hopes the US will do more to increase trust and strengthen cooperation in order to work together to ensure peace, security and stability in the region.

"(China) hopes the US side pays great attention to China's concerns, earnestly respects China's core interests, avoids words and actions that harm bilateral relations and reduces activities which cause misunderstandings or miscalculations," Sun was quoted as telling Harry Harris, commander of the US Pacific Command. The two met on Wednesday on the sidelines of a conference in Honolulu, Hawaii, attended by senior Asia-Pacific defense officials.

China has long expressed deep concerns over the frequent close-in surveillance by US military vessels and planes near China's coast and as well as some words by US military officials that China believes have emboldened certain countries in the region to take a more confrontational attitude in maritime territorial disputes with China in the East and South China seas.

Sun stressed that the Asia-Pacific region has been an important platform for military-to-military cooperation between China and the US. The two sides should implement the important consensus from their Asia-Pacific affairs consultation and strengthen communication on major regional security issues.

He called for a deepening of bilateral and multilateral practical cooperation, such as conducting more joint exercises and training, in order to manage differences with proactive measures.

The PLA Navy has already accepted the invitation to participate in the 2016 Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) naval exercise. The PLA Navy took part in the RIMPAC in 2014 for the first time.

Sun believes the consensus reached last week during President Xi Jinping's state visit to the US has given new momentum to the military-to-military relationship. He called on the two militaries to seize the opportunity to expand cooperation and build a new type of military-to-military relationship that is sustainable and based on mutual trust, cooperation and non-conflict.

Harris, quoted by China's Ministry of National Defense, praised the development of the military-to-military ties between China and the US. He said the annex on confidence building reached by the two sides during Xi's visit will further push forward the relationship and play an active role in promoting peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.


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