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Media from BRICS countries build unity

By Ren Qi | China Daily | Updated: 2015-12-02 08:12

BRICS nations are an important force in international relations and active builders of economic growth, unity, cooperation and joint development, said Liu Qibao, head of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, on Tuesday.

Liu made the remark at the opening ceremony of the first BRICS Media Summit in Beijing.

The summit, with the theme of "Innovation, Development, Cooperation and Trust", was proposed by Xinhua News Agency and jointly organized by Brazil Communication Company, Russia Today International Information Agency, The Hindu Group and Independent Media.

Liu said the Chinese government is willing to strengthen coordination and collaboration with the four countries and inject new life into the BRICS mechanism. The media of BRICS countries should promote peaceful development, cooperation and win-win outcomes, he said.

"We would like to share our experience, as well as learn from each other to better cope with change in the media industry," Liu said.

Calling the decision to host a media summit for BRICS countries as being "of historical significance", Vice-Foreign Minister Zhang Yesui said media cooperation not only adds new vitality into the BRICS cooperation but helps enhance understanding among the bloc's population of over 3 billion people.

Zhang said BRICS countries accounted for 21.9 percent of the world economy in 2014, up from 16.2 percent in 2009.

"The ratio is expected to reach 25.77 percent in 2020. BRICS countries have become a powerful driver for global economic recovery."

He urged further media cooperation against a backdrop of a broad economic slowdown in developing countries, and pledged continued support from the ministry.

Qu Yingpu, deputy editor-in-chief of China Daily, called for further development of new media and social media among BRICS countries, proposing that BRICS members take advantages of mobile media and organize online and offline activities.

"Even so, media from developed countries still play a significant role in public opinion, and they even affect the international image of BRICS countries," Qu said.

He said the development of new media had brought challenges to traditional media, as well as opportunities for BRICS to retake the high ground of public opinion.

N. Ram, chairman and publisher of The Hindu Group, said the summit is a significant development in BRICS media cooperation.

"Bringing together our strengths and resources - especially people resources - and spirit of solidarity and cooperation can yield multiple effects or dividends in various fields," Ram said.


 Media from BRICS countries build unity

Liu Qibao (center), head of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee and member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, and Cai Mingzhao (right), president of Xinhua News Agency, attend the first BRICS Media Summit in Beijing on Tuesday. Zou Hong / China Daily

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