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President urges wildlife protection

By Li Lianxing and Zhao Huanxin in Harare | China Daily | Updated: 2015-12-03 07:52

Xi says China will help support Zimbabwe's efforts through sharing materials, experience

President Xi Jinping said China will collaborate with Zimbabwe to further enhance the African nation's capacity for wildlife protection.

Such protection has been a major area of collaboration between the two countries, and China will continue supporting the country in this regard by sending needed materials and sharing experience in protecting wildlife, Xi said.

He concluded his two-day visit to Harare by visiting an animal sanctuary, Wild Is Life, where he and first lady Peng Liyuan watched elephants, lions, pangolins, giraffes, wildebeests and other animals saved by the sanctuary. They also fed fruit and leaves to the elephants and giraffes.

The president noted that wild animals are a crucial part of the Earth's ecosystem and that their living situation is closely linked to sustainable development by humans. Zimbabwe has abundant natural resources, and its government and people have made consistent efforts to protect wildlife, he added.

Xi emphasized that China attaches much significance to wildlife protection efforts and has achieved noticeable results in strengthening protection of wildlife habitats and breeding, as well as in combating the illegal trade in ivory and other wildlife products.

China has strengthened public education about wildlife protection, and society has actively participated in the effort, thereby increasing the public foundation for protecting wildlife, he added.

Jos Danckwerts, director of the sanctuary, said President Xi's visit sends a strong message to the world about the Chinese people's commitment to wildlife protection.

"He and his wife were very interested in the animals and got to meet them up close. They were very happy," he said, adding that they had a brief tea conversation with his family regarding the situation of the sanctuary.

"We are very grateful to President Xi, Madam Peng and the Chinese people for their current and future cooperation and tangible support for the protection of African wildlife, especially elephants," Danckwerts said.

Wild Is Life was founded in Harare in 1998, with an aim to provide a sanctuary for displaced wild animals and a chance for close contact between humans and animals.

Contact the writers at lilianxing@chinadaily.com.cn

President urges wildlife protection

President Xi Jinping and first lady Peng Liyuan interact with an elephant during their visit to a private wildlife sanctuary in Harare on Wednesday. Philimon Bulawayo / Reuters

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