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Migrant arrivals in Greece slow, some still trying to leave Turkey

By Agencies in Athens and Dikili, Greece | China Daily | Updated: 2016-04-07 08:13

The numbers fluctuate daily and it is unclear if the decline is a direct result of agreement

A deal between the European Union and Turkey appeared to show tentative signs of slowing the flow of migrants to the Greek islands on Wednesday, but many were still trying to cross the sea and the route remained far from sealed off.

Three days after the EU-Turkey deal came into force, new arrivals on the Greek islands from Turkey dropped to 68 in the 24 hours to Wednesday morning from 225 the previous day, data from the Greek migration ministry showed.

Migrant arrivals in Greece slow, some still trying to leave Turkey

Migrant children wearing life jackets wait for a dinghy to sail off for the Greek island of Lesbos from the Turkish coastal town of Dikili on Wednesday. Murad Sezer / Reuters

The numbers fluctuate daily and it was unclear if the decline was a direct result of the accord, under which migrants and refugees who use irregular sea crossings in the Aegean to get into Greece are being sent back to Turkey.

"We had a very low influx from the other side of the Aegean ... which we consider positive," said Greek government spokesman George Kyritsis.

Since the deal was implemented on Monday, 202 people, the majority from Pakistan, have been returned from Greece. Greek and Turkish officials said more could be sent back this week.

But despite the returns, and tighter security along Turkey's coast, migrants were still trying to make the crossing.

Turkish authorities detained several groups at sea shortly after dawn, including about 40 Iraqis, some of whom set sail in a small dinghy from a cove 20 kilometers south of the town of Dikili, a Reuters witness said.

Some were left on the beach as the dinghy was too small to carry them all. They watched as the Turkish coast guard intercepted the vessel moments later.

"Greece does not want to host us. Turkey is not allowing us. Where should we go? We drown in the sea with our children, that's it," said one Iraqi, declining to give his name.

Legality challenged

They were later put on buses and taken to Dikili, where a small reception center has been set up in the port to process migrants sent back from Greece. Around 15 Pakistani migrants were also intercepted and brought to the town.

Under the accord, the EU will take in thousands of Syrian refugees directly from Turkey and reward it with financial aid, visa-free travel and progress in its EU membership negotiations.

Human rights campaigners have challenged the legality of the deal, saying it rides roughshod over the rights of people displaced by war and question whether Turkey has sufficient safeguards in place to qualify as a safe country for refugees.

European officials said it is essential for Turkey to adopt tighter regulation on temporary protection for Syrians.

A Turkish official said the regulation had been agreed by the Cabinet and sent to President Tayyip Erdogan's office late on Tuesday, where it was awaiting approval, but gave no further details.

Returned Syrians were expected to be taken initially to a camp in the southern town of Osmaniye, from where those who have the means will be allowed to settle elsewhere in Turkey among an existing Syrian migrant population of 2.8 million, Turkish officials have said.

Reuters - AFP

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