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Xi's new diplomacy offers Chinese solutions

By Guo Yanjun | China Daily Europe | Updated: 2016-05-22 14:37

Consultation, common construction and sharing have been confirmed as the three major features of Belt and Road Initiative

Since President Xi Jinping took the helm, China's diplomacy has changed from passively responding to a more composed and confident approach of actively guiding, as it seeks to promote a global community of shared destiny.

The president has constructed a clear and more complete framework for diplomatic strategy by introducing concepts such as the Chinese Dream, "a correct outlook on morality and profit", and a new type of relationship between major powers.

His style has been hailed for opening a new era for China's "great-power diplomacy", while his diplomatic concepts, which are fundamentally beyond the constraints of Western international relations theory, are based on China's cultural tradition of pursuing peace and cooperation with neighboring countries.

To put these concepts into practice, Xi has proposed a kind, sincere, reciprocal and tolerant foreign policy toward neighboring countries, a new pattern of cooperative and win-win international relations, the building of a network of global partners, and an Asian security outlook.

Under his guidance, these diplomatic ideas have produced Chinese solutions to many global issues, which have won China deserved respect from the international community and increasingly deepened its political mutual trust with other countries.

With its Belt and Road Initiative, for example, China is making active efforts to conduct economic cooperation with countries along the routes of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.

Considering the different economic development levels among these countries and the huge discrepancies that exist in terms of their national conditions and political systems, the initiative's core principle of effective and win-win cooperation is based on respecting the actual conditions of different countries.

Consultation, common construction and sharing have been confirmed as the three major features of the initiative, and these are a concentrated embodiment of China's long-advocated diplomatic philosophy of equality, mutual benefit and win-win.

Consultation marks the first step toward promoting the ambitious initiative and means the countries concerned should first reach consensus on how to advance the initiative. During visits to other countries, Xi has repeatedly stressed the need to explore how to dovetail the different development strategies of countries along the routes with that of China, demonstrating that the initiative is not for China's development strategy alone, but also for the common development of other countries.

From the perspective of its advocated principles regarding the initiative, China by no means intends to impose its own strategy on other countries. What it has stressed instead is finding the best model for cooperation based on mutual respect.

In the area of social and cultural exchanges, China under Xi's leadership has also made active efforts to enhance communication and friendship with the rest of the world. Aside from a series of measures to robustly promote personnel exchanges in various fields, the Chinese president has also taken advantage of his visits overseas to conduct a distinctive diplomacy characterized by diplomatic charm.

Over the past three years, Xi has visited more than 50 countries, demonstrating to foreign audiences firsthand his diplomatic wisdom and charm.

The colloquial expressions and vivid examples Xi uses to communicate with ordinary people in other countries have not only elevated China's soft power, but also made people in other countries more aware of China's sincerity.

"A country will not necessarily pursue hegemony after becoming powerful, and China's rise will bring security other than insecurity to the world," Xi said. If the concept of a community of shared destiny becomes firmly entrenched among all countries, China's rise can be realized in a peaceful manner, and the Thucydides trap between an established and rising power can be avoided.

The author is deputy director of the Institute of Asian Studies at China Foreign Affairs University. The views do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily.

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