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Industry gets animated over potential copyright market

By Zhuan Ti | China Daily | Updated: 2016-08-24 07:20

Animation-related intellectual property has become a hot topic of discussion because of its huge potential market, said industry insiders at the eighth China International Animation Copyright Fair, which closed on Aug 22 in Dongguan, Guangdong province.

With the aim of exploring models to realize the value of IP, integrate industries and create innovative content in the animation industry, the fair attracted 503 exhibitors including domestic companies such as Chimelong and Fantawild as well as international companies from the United States, New Zealand, South Korea and Singapore.

The event also attracted more than 300,000 visitors, and produced a total transaction value of nearly 3.5 billion yuan ($526.9 million) from onsite shopping and contracts.

The organizers of the fair provided "one-stop" copyright services by setting up copyright service stations and law enforcement teams. They ofer free copyright registration every year.

For the past seven years, the fair has granted copyrights to more than 1,600 works, and this year, over 500 copyrights were registered at the event, nearly double last year's number.

"Copyright licenses ensure that the copyright of these works is legally protected," said Lan Fo'an, vice-governor of Guangdong province.

Copyright is at the core of the animation industry and its business value is incalculable, according to industry insiders.

Winsing Animation, an exhibitor at the fair and the creator of GG Bond, a popular Chinese cartoon character, makes most of its profits from its television copyright and derivatives, said Liu Weiying, director of Winsing's copyright operations department.

Last year, Winsing made 30 million yuan by selling the television copyright of its animation. The sale accounted for 27.18 percent of its total revenue, while its profits from derivatives accounted for 45.46 percent.

Various successful animation companies, and individual animators, including representatives of Weta Digital from New Zealand and producers from the Shanghai Animation Film Studio addressed the audience at the fair, sharing their views and suggestions about the Chinese animation industry.

Imagination is the most essential element when it comes to IP development for TV animation, said Liang Xuan, the director of animated movie Big Fish and Begonia, which had box office revenue of more than 500 million yuan this year.

"With imagination you can set up fantastic scenes and draw the audience in thanks to modern technology," Liang said at the fair.

Guangdong Hulubao, an innovation company combining furniture with animation, brought its latest product, the Smart Crib, to the fair. The fair has allowed the company, which was previously a children's furniture company, to transform and upgrade itself.

Zhigao, another exhibitor, has hosted global pen spinning competitions for more than six years. Qian Yirou, general manager of Zhigao, said the company has devoted itself to developing and promoting the pen, which is specifically designed for spinning. The company has also spent 10 years working on its own animation brand.

Yue Yunfan contributed to this story.


 Industry gets animated over potential copyright market

A boy plays a virtual reality game at the eighth China International Animation Copyright Fair. Liu Mei / For China Daily


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