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Sino-Italian partnership to set new benchmark in global healthcare industry

China Daily | Updated: 2016-09-05 08:27

The agreement between the Chinese giant KHB and the Italian companies Altergon & Technogenetics, is the starting point for creating an international in vitro diagnostics group that offers new global business opportunities.

Ambitious projects

Once again, Italian know-how is underpinning ambitious global projects, while Chinese multinationals say they are ready to enter highly' competitive and strategic sectors, such as in vitro diagnostics. Thanks to a project that was agreed last summer and promoted and coordinated by Salvatore Cincotti, Technogenetics and Altergon Italia's CEO, these two innovative Italian companies are preparing to contribute to scientific progress on a global scale. The Chinese giant KHB (Shanghai Kehua Bio-Engineering Co, Ltd) has acquired 100 percent of Technogenetics and the in vitro assets of Altergon Italia, helping in recent yearn to strengthen R&D activities in immunodiagnostics with important internationalization programs. Technogenetics is ail Italian center of excellence, situated in Lodi, with over 30 years.' experience in the diagnostic research and biotechnologies sector, focusing mainly on the autoimmunity, infectious diseases and molecular genetics markets. KHB, which is listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, is one of the most important manufacturer of IVD reagents and instruments in China. This project, as part of KHB's commercial strategy, is viewed as the start of an expansion process towards new business opportunities in the European arid North American markets.

The project result in a new reality: Technogenetics Holdings, which brought to the new company an R&D center situated in Morra de Sanctis (AV) and a further two offices in China, in Qingdao and Shenzhen.

Altergon Italia situated in the Irpinia region, is involved in traditional pharmaceuticals and Ute production of active ingredients for pharmaceutical using biotechnologies. It is the first European pharmaceutical center for technologies on transdermal and sublingual products, and represents a singular example of entrepreneurial ism in research and innovation.

Great opportunities

"The deal between KHB and Technogenetics is very important for developing new business opportunities for the Italian company, representing an important step for recognizing Italian R&D in such a competitive market as that of diagnostics," said Mr Cincotti. The deal was highly praised last year by the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi during a visit to the company in Avelino. Mr Cincotti continued:" Technogenetics Holdings is the starting point for creating an International Diagnostics Group able to compete with the big players in the sector. Its strong points will be its formidable knowledge and experience of European and Chinese markets, as well as the renowned talents of our researchers."

For the CEO of Technogenetics and Altergon Italia, "this agreement offers great opportunities due to the investments KHB has already' planned in Italy, which will greatly strengthen and accelerate R&D. KHB remains focused on its growth in the diagnostics market and will utilize Italian know-how to interact with foreign multinationals, hi our case, we will develop our projects more rapidly in China."

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