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Japan sets date for emperor's successor

By Agence France-presse in Tokyo | China Daily | Updated: 2017-01-12 07:24

Japan is planning for Emperor Akihito to retire and be replaced by his eldest son early in 2019, reports said on Wednesday, as the country works on a legal framework for its first abdication in 200 years.

Akihito, 83, said in August that he planned to abdicate after nearly three decades on the Chrysanthemum Throne, citing his advancing age and weakening health.

Major national newspapers cited unnamed sources as saying Crown Prince Naruhito, 56, would succeed his father on New Year's Day 2019.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga declined to comment on the reports at his regular news conference on Wednesday.

After Akihito's announcement last year, the government established a panel of experts to help decide how best to proceed on an issue fraught with historical and legal challenges.

Though abdications have occurred in Japan's long imperial history there has not been one for 200 years. Under current laws there is no legal mechanism for one.

The six-member panel has discussed various legal options, with speculation rampant it will propose parliament pass a special one-time law to allow Akihito to step down.

The leading opposition Democratic Party, however, opposes a one-time change, arguing that this would not ensure stable future successions. It has advocated a revision to the permanent law that governs the imperial family.

Some scholars and politicians worry that the abdication issue could risk Japan's monarchs becoming subject to political manipulation. Under the constitution they play only a symbolic role.

The panel plans to compile a summary of its views on the issue this month, a government official said.

Its firm proposals, however, will come no later than the end of March before the government submits legislation to parliament, reports said.

As for the timing of the abdication, the Yomiuri said the panel considers that January 1, 2019 would be appropriate given he will have reigned for 30 years - something the emperor himself mentioned as a milestone year in his August speech.

The Asahi said Akihito would step down sometime on December 31, though the Nikkei reported it could also happen on New Year's Day when Naruhito is enthroned.

The reports also said that the government plans to announce the official name of Naruhito's reign era at least six months beforehand to avoid confusion in daily life.

 Japan sets date for emperor's successor

Japanese Emperor Akihito (right) and Crown Prince Naruhito wave to well-wishers during New Year celebrations at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo, Japan,Kim Kyunghoon/ Reuters

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