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Trump tells 52 CEOs to get busy

By Associated Press | China Daily USA | Updated: 2017-04-05 10:27

WASHINGTON - With legislation overhauling taxes and health care on an uncertain path, President Donald Trump returned to the familiar. Trump brought 52 business leaders from New York City to the White House Tuesday to talk about another favorite campaign issue - infrastructure and economic growth.

The US economy has so far proven to be a point of pride for a presidency that has otherwise gotten off to a rocky start. Trump inherited a stable economy from former President Barack Obama, an economic recovery that's heading toward its eighth year. But Trump believes he can do more for business.

Trump and several of his top aides emphasized plans to cut red tape and jumpstart infrastructure projects at Tuesday's meeting, while also previewing for the CEOs other priorities that include shortening flight times for airplanes, increasing the power grid's efficiency and targeting programs to improve job training.

At one point the president had an aide come on stage to hold up a long scroll of the government's approval process for building a highway. The president then pledged to eliminate more than 90 percent of the regulations involved and "still have safety." He provided no details.

The administration has committed to directing as much as $1 trillion for infrastructure over the next decade, although it has yet to release policy specifics. Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao recently said she expects a plan will be unveiled later this year.

But getting a measure through Congress could be difficult given the Republican majority in both chambers and their desire to reduce tax rates as much as possible. An infrastructure plan that relies on direct funding could possibly raise the budget deficit more than one that uses tax credits.

Trump touted the plan he says is in the works, telling the room, "We're talking about a very major infrastructure bill of a trillion dollars, perhaps even more."

Administration officials stressed that it can take more than eight years between funding and the start of project construction, a timeline White House officials say is too slow given the commitment of hundreds of billions of dollars a year.


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