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Guinea says China appreciates Africa

By Zhang Yunbi in Xiamen | China Daily | Updated: 2017-09-06 07:34

Editor's note: President Xi Jinping held two bilateral meetings on the sidelines of the Dialogue of Emerging Market and Developing Countries on Tuesday in Xiamen. The following stories include highlights of the talks.

China and Guinea should strengthen cooperation on peace and security, and China is ready to support Guinea's capability building in security, stability and law enforcement, President Xi Jinping told Guinean President Alpha Conde on Tuesday.

Conde thanked Xi for the invitation to attend the dialogue. The nation holds the rotating chairmanship of the African Union. This again shows the importance China attaches to Africa, Conde said.

Xi said that since the establishment of the two countries' bilateral comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership nearly a year ago, their friendly cooperation has shown good momentum in accelerating development.

In the next stage, both sides should strengthen political mutual trust, carry forward their traditional friendship and continue to understand and support each other on issues concerning core interests and major concerns, Xi said.

We should strengthen win-win cooperation and promote collaboration in infrastructure construction, mineral development, agriculture and other fields, Xi said.

The two countries also should expand cooperation in areas like education and science, human resources development, media, think tanks, youth and women's issues, Xi said.

Conde said friendly cooperation between China and Guinea has developed rapidly, and Guinea is ready to strengthen collaboration with China in areas including fisheries, mining and the development of western Africa.

Xi said China and Guinea should strengthen multilateral cooperation, and China supports Guinea's efforts as rotating leader of the African Union to promote the union's unity and strength.

Xi said China and Africa are good friends, good partners and good brothers, and China welcomes African countries to participate in the building of the Belt and Road to the benefit of both Chinese and African peoples.

Conde said African countries speak highly of China's policy of respecting their independent handling of their own issues.

After their meeting, the two leaders witnessed the signing of cooperative documents covering fields such as economy, technology, climate change and medical care.


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