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Xi says economic cooperation crucial

[2017-09-04 06:22]

President Xi Jinping calls for joint efforts with other BRICS members to usher in the second dynamic decade of the emerging markets' bloc.

Nuke-free peninsula remains leaders' goal

[2017-09-04 03:38]

President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed on Sunday to stay committed to the goal of denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and to make their communication and coordination closer.

Alliance created to boost green funding

[2017-09-04 01:48]

China and the United Kingdom are supporting the establishment of an investor alliance to further encourage financial flows into environmentally friendly energy and infrastructure projects within the area covered by the Belt and Road Initiative, China Daily has learned.

Xi, Putin agree to enhance strategic coordination, appropriately deal with DPRK nuclear test

[2017-09-04 00:59]

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Sunday, calling for enhancing mutual support and strategic coordination.

Highlights of Xi's speech at BRICS Business Forum

[2017-09-03 21:35]

President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the two-day BRICS Business Forum in Xiamen on Sept 3. Below are some highlights of the speech.

Full text: Working Together to Usher in the Second 'Golden Decade' of BRICS Cooperation

[2017-09-03 20:56]

It is my great pleasure to have all of you with us in the beautiful city of Xiamen, renowned as the "Egret Island". The BRICS Summit will be held tomorrow. On behalf of the Chinese government and people and the people of Xiamen, and also in my own name, I warmly welcome all of you to the Business Forum.

Reform and opening up stressed in Xi speech

[2017-09-03 20:31]

President Xi Jinping placed emphasis on his speech on next year's 40th anniversary of reform and opening up in which Xiamen played a significant part, being one of the country's first special economic zones, said Jeremy Stevens, Beijing-based China economist of Standard Bank, Africa's largest bank.

Xi's BRICS business forum speech earns accolades

[2017-09-03 20:12]

President Xi Jinping's keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the BRICS Business Forum on Sunday earned wide praise from experts, international delegates and entrepreneurs.

Xi meets Putin, calling for promoting world peace, development

[2017-09-03 20:09]

Chinese President Xi Jinping met with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Sunday, calling for joint efforts to promote world peace and development.

Highlights of Xi's remarks at the BRICS business forum

[2017-09-03 19:19]

Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the Chinese people "have successfully embarked on a path of socialism with distinctive Chinese features" in close to 40 years of reform and opening up.

Enhance co-op to improve global governance: Xi to BRICS

[2017-09-03 18:32]

Xi calls on BRICS countries to enhance economic cooperation and improve global economic governance amid the developing countries' efforts to achieve stable growth in the face of a weak global economic recovery.

Huaibei explores cooperation in Kenya

[2017-09-03 14:18]

Huaibei in East China's Anhui province has launched a new wave of business exploration in Africa, sending an economic and trade delegation, including government officials and businesspeople, to visit Kenya recently.

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