
The curse of the flowery pajamas

By Zhen Dai ( China Daily ) Updated: 2007-01-30 08:58:21

A new kindergarten was about to open in our community. To promote itself, it invited children between 2 and 5 years of age and their parents for a New Year party. Despite my child's tender age, I decided to share in the fun.

But before we went, there was a decision to make: What should I wear?

It had been raining for a few days and I'd stayed home in my comfy cotton pajamas with flowery patterns.

Would it be okay to wear this to a kindergarten near my home? No, because once outside, it's public sphere and one shouldn't show up in homely clothing; yes, because many people walk the streets and roam department stores in pajamas.

I reckoned it was not too outlandish to wear my flowery cotton pajamas in the neighborhood.

As I groped for an excuse for my laziness, my son had opened the cupboard and carried a pair of boots to me, urging: "Nuo, nuo!"

Okay, no more hesitation. I couldn't possibly match boots with pajamas. As a responsible parent, even if I couldn't earn honor for my child, at least I shouldn't make him lose face.

Now attired in jeans and a gray overcoat, I walked out holding my son's hand.

At the kindergarten, many children and their parents (mostly mothers) were already having fun. Wow, the mums looked great: Some were in jodhpurs with long boots, others in overcoat with short skirts, and yet others in colorful leather outfits. They were some treat for the eye!

Honestly, I barely made it to even average level. A cold fear suddenly gripped me: Lucky, I didn't stick to my flowery pajamas plan! An instant promise was born: I shall not be so careless the next time.

Observing the mummies who looked like flowers dancing in the breeze, I found myself murmuring: "Peer pressure." I had thought that peer pressure comes from my classmates, friends, colleagues, neighbors and my husband's female colleagues.

That day, it dawned on me: Peer pressure can also come from the mothers of your son's pals!

Peer pressure certainly plunges one into depression, but it should also be applauded. Imagine, if everyone neglected peer pressure, the whole city would be cursed by flowery cotton pajamas.

That night, I exchanged the experience and lessons of the New Year party with two of my bosom friends.

One replied: "Yours was nothing compared with mine. The other day, my child insisted on sending my wedding ring to the mother of his classmate Feifei.

"He said my fingers were thick and the ring didn't look good on my hand. It would look good on the slim finger of Feifei's mother."

The other friend recounted an incident that is forever etched in her memory. She was wearing her flowery pajamas as she walked with her child in the sunny garden downstairs. Another child and his nanny were already playing there.

As the children played, the nanny came up to my friend for a chat. She asked: "How much do you get a month from this family?"

My dear friend stuck her hands deep in the pockets of her flowery pajamas and replied meekly: "I am this child's mother."

The article first appeared in Sanlian Life Week

(China Daily 01/30/2007 page20)

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