Visible bra straps: The fashion faux pas of the summer

(Daily Mail)
Updated: 2007-05-14 09:56
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Visible bra straps: The fashion faux pas of the summer

The only thing more distracting than Amy Winehouse's missing tooth is her black and green lingerie

Off-the-shoulder tops, shoestring vests, halter-necks, plunging necklines and strapless tops were all cited as contributing to cases of VBS.

The Wonderbra survey also found we are a nation of fashion spies, with 87 per cent of women and 70 per cent of men spotting VBS offences.

Visible bra straps: The fashion faux pas of the summer

Fashionistas would wag a finger at Coleen McLoughlin look, while Sharon Stone ignores the basic instinct to tuck straps in

Socks with sandals were seen by 78 per cent, and 67 per cent spotted skirts that reveal underwear.

It is in the street where VBS crime is seen to be committed most often, with 89 per cent of those questioned noticing it.

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