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A touch of Norway in the Mediterranean
(China Daily)
Updated: 2009-07-02 11:47

A touch of Norway in the Mediterranean

The harbor of La Maddalena is lined with 18th-century houses.

With its jagged cliffs and fjord-like coves, Italy's Maddalena archipelago, in the Gallura region off the northeast coast of Sardinia, is like a Mediterranean version of Norway.

Designated a national park 15 years ago, the scattered seven main islands and numerous islets are alive with palm trees, small juniper and stone pine forests and gigantic oleander bushes. They also have wonderful beaches rimmed with bizarre rock formations.

Maddalena is the largest island and the only one inhabited year-round. It was originally planned as host of the G8 summit of the leading industrialized nations in this month, but Italy will now host G8 leaders on July 8-10 in L'Aquila, a town in the Abruzzo region which was damaged in an earthquake that shook the central region in April.

Ferries arrive at La Maddalena, the island's principal town, every half-hour from Palau, on Sardinia. Though small, La Maddalena is well supplied with restaurants, bars and cafes. Otherwise, it radiates calm. Construction scars and semi-dilapidated military areas are a reminder that La Maddalena was home to a US naval base until recently.

The scenic road that circles the island leads to charming beaches like Bassa Trinita and Spalmatore. Sandy and gently sloping into the sea, the beaches of La Maddalena are a match for the bays of neighboring Corsica.

Showcasing the archipelago's natural beauty, the road offers a sudden view of the neighboring islands through the felsenmeer. Corsica's tall mountains appear on the horizon, while the road leads down to another picturesque cove. Shaped like a semicircle and nicely named Nido d'Aquila - Eagle's Nest - it is another lovely spot to get out the swimming trunks.

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