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China's post-80s generation remembers favorite toys

People's Daily Online | Updated: 2010-06-01 16:26

Chinese born after the 1980s were part of the first generation born under the one-child policy and during the period of reform.

Compared to the material deprivation of the 1970s and 1960s, the 1980s were much happier. From snacks and toys to books, Chinese youth were exposed to new commodities previous generations never had a chance to enjoy.

Today, some people of this happy generation are now 30 years old and already have their own family, career and marriage. The naughty, naive child has been transformed into the stable, mature adult, but the brand of the era is burnt into their heart forever. To mark Children's Day, we present a group of toys that the post-80s generation played with in their childhood, so as to commemorate the lost youth.


China's post-80s generation remembers favorite toys



China's post-80s generation remembers favorite toys

Jump rope


China's post-80s generation remembers favorite toys

Picture-story book


China's post-80s generation remembers favorite toys


China's post-80s generation remembers favorite toys