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Two ancient city ruins found under Wangjinglou heritage site

By Wang Hanlu (People's Daily Online)
Updated: 2011-01-14 16:39
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In a recent archaeological excavation of Wangjinglou heritage site in Xinzheng City of Henan Province, Zhengzhou Academy of Cultural Relics and Archaeology accidentally discovered two large-scale ancient city ruins from the Xia and Shang dynasties with a total area of nearly 1.7 million square meters.

 Two ancient city ruins found under Wangjinglou heritage site

 Photo, taken on Jan. 12, shows reporters photographing and interviewing at the Wangjinglou heritage site. (Photo by Xinhua/Zhao Peng)

According to archaeologists' initial speculation, the city from the Xia period might have been the capital of a kingdom, while the city in Shang period might have been an important garrison town.

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Tea    Peking Opera


Cultural Heritage

Jade  Chinese  New Year

Imperial Palace

Chinese Painting