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Twitter tattle lands singer in minor battle

China Daily | Updated: 2011-01-14 17:06

What's the point of being a celebrity unless you get treated like one? That seems to be the thinking of Na Ying, who got snarled in a Twitter titter tattle battle with followers on her micro blog.

It all started innocently enough when the singer was invited to perform at a New Year season party co-organized by the Beijing Traffic Management Bureau and CCTV. Unfortunately, she left the house without her costume, which had the organizers scrambling for a car and sending off Na's assistant to pick up the costume.

 Twitter tattle lands singer in minor battle

"There's no better opportunity than now to use the traffic police," she twitted on her micro blog. Netizens quickly responded that she was abusing her celebrity status and getting preferential treatment from the Traffic Management Bureau.

A livid Na, not known for her even temperament, fired back a foul mouthed, four-letter-worded tirade 10 minutes later claiming she had not abused her position. But this just made the situation even worse, as netizens then claimed that not only was she taking advantage of her celebrity status, but she was also acting like an errant diva in the way she talked to fans.

The 43-year-old did a quick about turn, according to qq.com, and deleted her post, then sent a groveling message of apology along the lines of: "I sincerely accept everyone's criticism... and will be stricter about my own words and deeds so that I am a role model in the future for society."

Another diva, Faye Wong, recently appeared to acclaim on a Chinese variety show program, along with her husband, the actor Li Yapeng. For the first time, the tight-lipped singer publicly revealed details about her marriage, in an 80-minute interview. She told TV host Yang Lan that she was still happily married after five years, but that being a mother was much more difficult than being a star.

"You will be disappointed with your life if all you have is the feeling of love. You need to be in love to go on together," the enigmatic singer opined.

For his part, Li described the three women in his life thus: The eldest daughter Dou Jingtong (from Wong's marriage with ex-husband and rocker Dou Wei) is a philosopher, daughter Li Yan is calm and collected, and Wong is the "third princess" who does "anything she likes".

Finally, TV host He Jiong became so desperate to prove that he's not using hidden heels in his shoes to make him look taller than he actually is that he took off his shoes and socks on his show.

He added that his good friend, the actor Huang Xiaoming, is also "innocent" of the same crime. Huang claims to be 1.8 meters tall but netizens are always posting pictures that appear to show he is at least 8 cm shorter.

We should, however, point out that He obviously knew he was going to take off his shoes and socks that day and therefore did not wear his hidden platforms. So, the case of the missing platform heels still remains unsolved, in our humble opinion.