Strokes of genius

Updated: 2011-12-02 09:32

By Xu Xiao (China Daily)

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Strokes of genius

Strokes of genius

Strokes of genius

Tu Xiangdong, a Shanxi native in his forties, is already an important figure in the talent-laden field of calligraphy. He is now the vice-president of the artists association affiliated with - a website built by a group of local artists - and heads several other art organizations.

Beginning in his teen years, Tu developed a strong interest in calligraphy. But unlike some other calligraphy lovers who concentrate their interest and exercise on one certain handwriting style, Tu never confines his broad interests.

He not only practiced the regular script in small characters, but also exercised the running script that has almost the opposite style. Clerical script is a preference, too.

Strokes of genius

He constantly copied the handwriting of well-known calligraphers from ancient times and found creative nourishment in their works. Later, he blended those elements with his own handwriting.

Tu has a special love for Mi Fu, one of the four greatest calligraphers in the Northern Song Dynasty about 1,000 years ago. Mi was a master of regular script in small characters, clerical characters, running script and seal characters. He was also known for his lofty, poised and unruly personality.

Perhaps deeply influenced by Mi Fu, Tu's work also has a dashing and refined natural atmosphere.

"Looking at Tu's handwriting, you get a calm and elegant feeling, natural and unsophisticated. It has toughness with gentleness," says Quan Xihan, advisor to the China Calligraphers Association and himself a renowned calligrapher.

According to Liu Yi, another advisor to the association, Tu's handwriting is good at showcasing the beauty of lines and structure.

"The art of calligraphy is art in the architecture of Chinese characters. No matter the regular script in small characters, the clerical script or the running script, they all indicate the beauty of structures," said Liu.

"Tu can manage his writing brush well. He has good planning in writing that varies by different content - for example, which strokes need to be close to each other, and in which have to be more apart, " Liu said.

"Tu's handwriting works are a complex and colorful calligraphy book," Quan Xijun added.

For more than 30 years, Tu has been working hard at calligraphy. He is an active member in the calligraphy activities hosted by the China Calligraphers Association and its Shanxi operation.

Also a photography fan, he works as vice-president of the Shanxi Entrepreneur Photographer Association.

Great love for calligraphy and related arts like photography along with hard work and a creative mind are driving Tu forward to become an icon in the world of calligraphy, insiders said.

Strokes of genius

Strokes of genius