Art exhibitions, events and lectures in Beijing

Updated: 2012-02-22 13:43

By Zhu Linyong (

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Art exhibitions, events and lectures in Beijing

Indian artists in Beijing

Two Indian artists, Sunanda Khajuria and Dhaneshwar Shah, are holding an art show at Huan Tie Times Art Museum in northeastern Beijing.

Running until Feb 24, the exhibition presents a dozen mixed works the duo created while they were resident artists at the museum.

"For me, the working process of the mind is just like a laboratory in which we experiment with our emotions, expressions, and feelings together. New thoughts and techniques emerge and, just like an atomic chain reaction, they never end but generate new ideas and creations with huge energy. When we draw and paint these experiments of new thoughts through lines, colors and forms, an artwork emerges," said Dhaneshwar Shah.

10 am - 5 pm, until Feb 24

Huantie Times Art Gallery, Huantie Art Zone, Dashanzi, Chaoyang district, Beijing

010 6435 2297