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Diplomats' tryst with Chinese culture

China Daily | Updated: 2012-04-12 10:27

The opening ceremony of Ethnic Culture in Guizhou, the latest event of the 2012 Friendship Communication of Ambassadors and Madams on Knowing Chinese Culture, was held recently in Beijing.

It was attended by more than 160 diplomats from 80 countries, who were introduced to the province's characteristic azalea flower and the traditional culture of Miao and Yi ethnic groups.

Sponsored by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, this annual event is aimed at enhancing the diplomats' understanding of Chinese culture. It was first staged in 2002.

In mid April, envoys from 20 countries will visit Bijie, Guizhou province, home to Baili Azalea scenic area. Bijie is known for its genus diversity and beautiful scenery. The diplomats are expected to smell the fragrance and learn to play local musical instruments.