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Making an impact

By Sun Ye | China Daily | Updated: 2013-05-02 10:04

Gung Ho is a pioneer, but it's not on its own.

We Impact, a company that promotes sustainable lifestyles and business practices, has helped the pizza restaurant by suggesting ways it can improve its environmental footprint.

We Impact generates checklists advising on a range of green issues, from the general importance of environmental auditing to specific suggestions to help cut down refuse.

"At this stage, we can only select the most practical suggestions and do what we can," Xiao Zhu says when asked about the advice they received last December.

We Impact's director Ann Wang already considers Gung Ho's efforts as "very meaningful".

"They are breaking new ground in the industry," she says. "They're incorporating sustainability into their core. It's very encouraging for other businesses."

We Impact calls on young and hip people and businesses to join in its quest for sustainability. The service is new to companies in China, but shows great promise.

Wang counts tourism, entertainment, media and the fashion industries as its target clients, who can help make a "heartfelt" shift in lifestyle.

"There is no other way to go except becoming sustainable, the market has huge potential. The key is changing people's concepts in a way that's acceptable, endearing and caters to their value."