Allergic to the world
Some experts believe increasing hygiene, which eliminates microbes that would otherwise help people develop defenses against bacteria and viruses, contribute to allergies, including skin allergies.
Air pollution and a growing number of pets in an industrialized society will also bring about more allergens, adds Song, the skin disease specialist.
Wendy Loh, 35, a Singaporean who has been living in Beijing for a decade, has had skin allergies since she was 13. The problem occurs in all seasons, especially in dry or extreme weather, during transitional seasons, or when she's under pressure.
Sometimes the allergies are so bad that people will ask her if she has been burned or suffers from domestic violence.
"There are so many unexpected allergens, and sometimes I wish I lived in a bubble to avoid them," Loh says.
Mi Mi, 28, from Beijing, is pregnant with twins. She has long suffered from allergies.
She blames both her genetics and Beijing's worsening water and air for her suffering.
"I remember the air in Beijing used to be good, not so dry and polluted," Mi says.
"As I grew older, the living environment in Beijing worsened, and my allergies became worse with it."
Mi suffered from itchy localized rashes on her limbs when she was a young child. As time passed by, her problem has worsened.
During primary school, the rashes spread all over her body except for her head and neck, with her legs most severely affected.
Sometimes, the rashes would develop into blisters and broke, causing pain and scarring.
Now, her list of allergens is long, and her allergic reaction is not limited to skin conditions. It is very troubling, but there are no efficient solutions.
Even steroid cream is out of the question, because she is afraid of endangering her babies.
Both Loh and Mi hope their children will not suffer as they do.
Experts say while the risk of allergies can be influenced by genetics - with young children with allergic parents the most at risk - many people who have no family history can develop allergies and others with a long family history can be fine.
For a person with a family history of allergies, if he or she is healthy enough they are unlikely to develop allergies.
But if a person is under great pressure or has other risk factors that result in disordered immunity, allergens will tend to trigger any underlying disorders more easily, explains Song.
"The most important thing is to keep the body in good condition through a healthy diet, rest and exercise, and deal with pressure positively," Song says.
If a person does develop skin allergies, seeking help from a doctor is always wiser than using steroid cream.