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Adopted family's love fueled soldier's spirit

By Mao Weihua and Zhao Lei in Urumqi | China Daily | Updated: 2013-07-16 15:05

One month later, Tao Jinlai passed away. Seeing Tao Hui had become reticent after his father's death, the Uygur family held a family meeting and the 82-year-old Memet Toxti, Xaliq Memet's father, said: "Take the boy back, we shall give him a home."

The next day, Tao Hui, who stayed in his dorm in a local high school worrying about where to go during the winter holiday, found his Uygur uncle Xaliq Memet standing outside the dorm.

"He said to me: 'My child, let's go home'," Tao recalls. "And when I came back to their house, aunt Zanathan had prepared rice pilaf for me and my Uygur cousins."

Zanathan Amet even gave a Uygur name to Tao Hui - Toxtaxun, which means "stay here" in Uygur.

Since then, when Xaliq Memet introduces Tao to others, he would always say: "This is my son."

In 2006, Tao was admitted to Xinjiang University and signed an agreement with the PLA that would cover his tuition costs and give him a post in the military after graduation.

The whole family was overwhelmed by happiness and held a banquet for relatives, neighbors and friends to celebrate.

"You don't have to worry about tuition fees. Your only task is to study with all your heart and become a good serviceman like I was in the army," Tao quoted his Uygur father as saying.

Xaliq Memet was once a soldier in a border defense regiment of the PLA and retired with commendations.

Tao says he was deeply moved because "my opportunity to go to university was realized with the sacrifice made by my elder brother, Yasen Xaliq, who had to give up the opportunity so that he could make a living for the family."

Tao graduated from the university in 2010 and was designated to serve in a PLA infantry regiment in Xinjiang.

In gratitude to his Uygur parents, he remitted 4,000 yuan ($650) - all of his first-month salary - to Xaliq Memet. He also brought many gifts for his Uygur cousins.

Although his salary in the PLA is not very high, Tao still does his best to help others. He is financially assisting two Uygur students and two Kirgiz girls with their schooling. His act has inspired his brothers-in-arms to help other students from poverty-stricken families, according to Li Xianqing, political commissar of Tao's regiment.

In addition to poor students, Tao also lends his hands to his comrades in the regiment.

"Without the help and nurturing from my Uygur parents, I could never have become what I am and achieved so much, so I must pass on their spirit of giving and do my best to reciprocate the society," Tao says.

Adopted family's love fueled soldier's spirit

Adopted family's love fueled soldier's spirit

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