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Chinese ophthalmologists help restore sight for Cambodian eye patients

English.news.cn | Updated: 2013-12-05 14:05
Chinese ophthalmologists help restore sight for Cambodian eye patients

Cambodian eye patients are treated by Chinese ophthalmologists in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Dec. 4, 2013. A medical team of 10 Chinese ophthalmologists from the Beijing Tongren Hospital have helped operate on eye patients in Cambodia as part of the celebrations of the 55th anniversary of the establishment of the China-Cambodia diplomatic ties. [Photo/Xinhua]

A medical team of 10 Chinese ophthalmologists from the Beijing Tongren Hospital have helped operate on eye patients in Cambodia as a part of the celebrations of the 55th anniversary of China-Cambodia diplomatic ties.

The team have spent a two-day humanitarian mission at the Preah Ketomelea Hospital, known as the Military Hospital, here in order to perform cataract surgeries for Cambodian patients free-of- charge.

Wu Jixiang, director of the Beijing Tongren Hospital, said the group had used modern equipment and technology to operate on the patients.

"We are very pleased to help eye patients in Cambodia and hope that this humanitarian task will contribute to deepening friendship relations between the peoples of the two countries," he said Wednesday after the two-day mission.

Lieutenant General Ly Sovann, head of the Military Hospital, said during the mission that the Chinese doctors had surgeries on 100 Cambodian cataract patients.

"This is a great humanitarian task for the Cambodian people," he said. "Chinese doctors have been providing Cambodian eye patients with new hope."

Gu Xiulian, president of the China-Cambodia Friendship Association, which is the organizer of the Chinese medical team, said the eye surgery is a part of a series of activities to mark the 55th anniversary of the establishment of China-Cambodia diplomatic relations.

"Now, you can see the world again so that you witness numerous China-funded achievements in Cambodia," she spoke to the patients. "Those achievements have come from close relations and cooperation between the two governments and peoples."

Ek Sam Ol, president of the China-Cambodia Friendship Association, said Chinese generosity would be remembered in the hearts of Cambodian people forever.

"They had lived in blindness for years, now they can see the world and make their living as usual again," he said.

One of the patients praised Chinese doctors for high profession and good moral during their service.

"I had lived in darkness for three years due to cataract. Now, my eyesight has been restored after a surgery by Chinese doctors," said a 58-year-old man Dol Chanseng. "I will never forget this humanitarian work of Chinese doctors."

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