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Tale of a true survivor

By Liu Zhihua | China Daily | Updated: 2013-12-24 10:31

Tale of a true survivor

Bi Fujian, host of the China Central Television program Xingguang Dadao, visits Wang Wei in her ward at China Meitan General Hospital in 2008.

But no one knew Wang cried at night, in fear of death.

During the Spring Festival dinner in 2008, Wang started to cough blood. The family fell silent. The television was on, broadcasting the happiness of others.

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Wang then made a decision, which turned out to be a turning point in her life.

"I decided to write to my favorite television program Xingguang Dadao (Star Way, a talent show for ordinary people) to ask for a chance to sing on their stage," Wang says.

"I wanted to thank my parents for what they had done for me, and wanted to leave something for them to remember me by after I die."

She soon heard from the show's production team, who immediately arranged for her to sing on the show.

Wang appeared on television and the program's host told the story of her struggle with cancer, the devotion of her family and how she wanted to donate her body for medical study and organ transplants.

One viewer happened to be Wang Mingxiao, president of China Meitan General Hospital. He rarely watched television, but happened to tune in and was deeply moved by Wang's story.

The hospital president called the show's production team, offering free treatment to the girl. Viewers across the country also called and donated money to the family.

The hospital organized its best medical team and performed an operation on Wang Wei in April 2008 to remove the original cancer tissues, which lasted more than six hours. An average thyroid cancer removal operation lasts about two hours.

"She had an operation before, which made a second operation a great challenge. But without a new operation, she would have died," Wang Mingxiao says.

Luck was on Wang Wei's side this time. The operation was successful, and she soon started recovering.

As she recovered, the hospital president learned she used to be a top student in a key high school and decided to help her continue her studies. He used his connections and enrolled her in a nursing school in Heilongjiang province.

She graduated last year and became a nurse in the hospital.

Wang is popular with both colleagues and patients.

"She always smiles, and treats patients with kindness because she was once a patient and can empathize with them," says Wang Mingxiao.

Earlier this year, a regular checkup indicated that all the cancer cells in her body had disappeared, and her hair has become long and thick.

"I never dreamed I would live like I live now, being a medical staff member in a great hospital and being needed," Wang says.

"I just want to tell people to never let go of hope and everything will be good."

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