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8 tips to keep you warm and healthy in winter

English.news.cn | Updated: 2013-12-26 11:20
8 tips to keep you warm and healthy in winter



1. Eat more foods that can nourish blood

Red dates have good blood enriching benefit. Eat five to eight red dates between meals.

8 tips to keep you warm and healthy in winter


2. Eat more foods that are rich in iron and calcium

Sufficient supply of iron and calcium can improve the body's ability to keep out the cold. Calcium-rich foods include milk, bean products, kelp, seaweed, shellfish, oysters, sardines, and shrimp. Iron-rich foods include animal blood, egg yolks, pork liver, soybeans, sesame seeds, black fungus, and red dates.

8 tips to keep you warm and healthy in winter


3. Have hot spring bath

Most hot springs contain sulfur. TCM believes that sulfur is one of the best minerals nourishing Yang Qi in human body.

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