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Keeping fit top of many Beijinger's New Year resolution lists

English.news.cn | Updated: 2014-01-07 15:03

Reporter: "Okay. Bodybuilding and beefing up muscles to the extreme is not everybody’s thing. Personally I prefer to simply run. But whatever your preference, the most important is to stick to your fitness plan over the next 12 months and beyond."

It’s not a competition for the biggest biceps, but rather about a healthy lifestyle.

"I think you want to make sure to be in a position where you can inspire other people. And to do that you need to keep your energy levels up. I have learnt from being here you have to drink a lot of water, it’s really important what you eat. You don’t have to diet, you don’t have to starve yourself, but you need to be mindful and careful. It’s okay to have treats but you don’t need to extend those treats every day. You have to pick what you want to eat, and enjoy it and then get back on track to what you’re doing the next day." Teacher Sarah-jane Basso said.

The bodybuilding and fitness business is bulging in China. The scene is shaping up with a growing number of hardcore studios and competitions across the country.

"Beijing is the most active city in terms of fitness and bodybuilding, it counts the most gym memberships. The market here is very big, there are upperscale gyms and gyms for ordinary people." Gu Qiao, division chief of Chinese Leisure Sports Administration, said.

2014 is here. Be ready to test your limits.

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