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Official vows serious punishment for late-term abortions

English.news.cn | Updated: 2014-01-07 15:53

A Chinese health authority spokesman has vowed serious investigation and punishment of people responsible for forced late-term abortions in enforcing the country's family planning policy.

Mao Qun'an, of the National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC), said at a press conference on Tuesday that enforcement of family planning policy carried out in a brutal way is rigidly prohibited and forced late-term abortions are explicitly banned in China.

The official said the NHFPC's attitude toward such practices is clear and adamant -- serious punishment must be handed down for violations according to the law and disciplinary procedures.

Also at the press conference, Mao said the NHFPC is working to get ready for an easing of family planning policy that will allow more couples to have two children, if one parent is an only child.

Relevant services, such as pregnancy health and obstetrical care, should be prepared for the possible increase of newborns, he said.

According to Mao, preparation work is being carried out in an orderly manner.