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Scaling new heights

By Zhao Ruixue | China Daily | Updated: 2014-04-13 07:17

"I never thought I could find my soul mate who would want to share her life with me," Chen says.

Scaling new heights

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"I fell in love with him the first time I saw him singing in a square," says Yu Lei, Chen's wife. "I was touched by his smile. And he had the most important thing I am looking for - respect for life."

Chen is now the father of two children, an 11-year-old girl and a 7-year-old boy.

"My kids have never been ashamed by having a father who has no legs," Chen says.

Chen didn't dare to pick up his kids from school until one day, when his daughter was 9 years old, he plucked up the courage to wait for her outside the school.

"Children stopped to look at me and some asked my daughter: 'Why does your father have no legs?'" Chen recalls.

"But my daughter didn't feel any embarrassment. She whispered to me that she is proud of me.

"In her painting of our family, I have legs. She regards me as the same as them."

After he gave his first speech at the Internet addiction recovery center in Linyi, Chen got several calls from parents.

"They told me their children had given up the Internet and were studying hard. You can never imagine how happy I was to know my story can inspire others," Chen says.

Now in addition to touring China to share his stories, Chen is building a website aimed at helping kids in need.  


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