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Cool riding experience in HK swank spin studio

By Rebecca Lo | China Daily | Updated: 2014-05-11 10:45

Cool riding experience in HK swank spin studio

XYZ studio contains 48 bikes inside a dark theater setting. It is more like a hip urban spa than a gym. Photo provided to China Daily

Let's face it: We could all use some more exercise.

For those of us living in big cities and leading busy lives, exercise is often more a passing thought than a daily routine. It doesn't help that the weather is usually a deterrent: It is too hot, too cold, too wet or too sunny to head out for a run or to cycle.

No matter what your excuse, Belinda Koo has heard them all.

The founder of XYZ, Koo was once a high-flying banker chained to her desk. In 2005, she suffered a health scare. Terrified that she had perhaps inherited a condition from her father, who died of a heart attack when she was 5, Koo didn't want her own children to grow up without a mother. After seeking advice of leading cardiologists, she began to strengthen her heart through cardio-based workouts.

"I am still in banking, but I have grown to love all sorts of exercise," says Koo.

"Many people in Hong Kong don't like to sweat: They prefer working out on machines. And a lot of women prefer yoga because they don't want their hearts to race."

Indoor cycling studios, a staple of many gyms that offer group exercise classes, boast the advantages of a cardio workout in a comfortable environment. They appeal to people who normally run or cycle, featuring an instructor-led, music-driven workout that lasts between 40 minutes to an hour.

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