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Hainan king prawns

China Daily | Updated: 2015-01-27 11:26

Hainan king prawns

[Photo provided to China Daily]

When most of China is in the grip of winter, it's a good time to enjoy the pleasures of Hainan Island. When you've had enough beach time, don't miss the chance to savor some of China's best seafood. Locally sourced from the crystal-clear waters of the South China Sea, these succulent shrimp are prepared to order-served up at the Mandarin Oriental, Sanya with sauteed artichokes and Chinese celery, and delicate prawn tuilles. A splash of lemon grass and jasmine tea from a vintage Chinese teapot makes the dish richly aromatic. 160 yuan ($25.61), subject to 15-percent service charge.

12 Yuhai Road, Sanya, Hainan Island. mandarinoriental.com/sanya. 898-8820-9999.