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Beijing Teochew memories

China Daily | Updated: 2015-04-16 08:03

Beijing Teochew memories

[Photo provided to China Daily]

Teochew cuisine (Chaozhou cuisine), which originated in the Chaoshan region in eastern Guangdong province, is best-known for its seafood and vegetarian dishes and is highly regarded for its health benefits. Its delicate foods use flavorings and oil with a lighter touch than most Chinese cuisines, depending much on the freshness and quality of the ingredients for taste and flavor. Most dishes are poached, steamed, braised or stir-fried. Braised sole fish with black-bean sauce, and steamed codfish with salted lemon and sour plum are highlights of a special a la carte menu for the month of May offered by Qi restaurant. Prices per dish start at 128 yuan ($20.62).

Qi restaurant at the Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial Street. 010-6601-6666.

(China Daily 04/16/2015 page24)