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Nutritionists warn against unhealthy diets

By Liu Zhihua | China Daily | Updated: 2015-04-30 07:26

Today, Chinese people consume more fats and animal protein versus vegetable protein than they have in the past.

Chinese also consume inadequate amounts of milk, legumes, fruit and whole grain, but excessive salt and oil, Fan says.

Fan says consumption of calcium has dropped significantly, and water-soluble vitamin intake has gone down although Vitamin A intake has increased.

"As Chinese people's income rises, our health has gotten worse," Fan says.

The rate of abdominal obesity among Chinese, also known as beer belly, now has reached 45.2 percent, as the average waistline for Chinese male adults has increased to 86.9 centimeters, and for females to 80.7 centimeters.

This has resulted in a significant increase in various chronic diseases, such as high blood pressure, hyperlipidaemia and diabetes, although the good news is that few urban residents suffer from anemia.

In Beijing, among the population above the age of 18, about one in 10 has diabetes, and one in three has high blood pressure, Fan says.

Fan strongly supports the diet and nutrition recommendations issued by the Chinese Nutrition Society, which says people's daily diet should include 300g to 500g of vegetables, 200g to 400g of fruit, 30g to 50g of legumes and nut seeds, 50g to 75g of lean meat, 50g to 100g of water products, and 250g to 400g of staples, including one-third whole grain and also potatoes and yams.

Fan says adults should consume less than 25g to 30g of oil and 5g of salts.

She also suggests people exercise for at least half an hour every day.

Fiorilo, the Italian nutritionist, agrees, saying: "It is not easy to truly realize the health damage unhealthy food is able to cause, but it is never too late to take action."


(China Daily 04/30/2015 page24)

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