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Of head and heart

By Liu Xiangrui | China Daily | Updated: 2016-10-28 07:52

Of head and heart

[Photo provided to China Daily]

Hart, who got his doctor's degree in the 1970s, has had a long career in medical services, management and education, and is still on the go. He has worked in many countries and served different organizations, including as a senior consultant to the World Health Organization.

He says the usual challenges in healthcare systems he has encountered elsewhere are insufficient resources and weak finances.

One of the biggest advantages for Chinese healthcare has been the country's economy, he says. "It's not been so much of a problem here."

"My biggest concern is to give the doctors the support system they need, because doctors can't do it all. For them to be effective, you need a team around them," he adds.

Recognized for his dedication to China's medical development, Hart received the Friendship Award, the highest honor given by Chinese government to foreigners who have made significant contributions to the country's social and economic development, in late September.

According to Hart, his university and the Hangzhou hospital are looking to deepen collaboration in the future, including a plan to jointly start a college of health sciences in China. The new school will look into future needs for disciplines that have yet to be developed in China-nursery specialists and dental hygienists to name a few.

Contact the writer at liuxiangrui@chinadaily.com.cn