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The year ahead, planetarily speaking

By Lily May Wong | China Daily Asia | Updated: 2017-02-22 13:47

You made it, you survived – and you should be proud of yourself. The year 2016 was a difficult one indeed, as we experienced the devastating deaths of some of the most important artists of our times, numerous wars and terrorist attacks, and political turmoil and instability around the world.

But don't get ready to rest on your laurels just yet – surprises continue to be in store for us in 2017.

Astrology is the study of planetary positions and the aspects they carry when pitted against each other, as well as how such things affect our emotions and energy fields. Each planet carries a unique meaning and energy, and their movements are different to each other.

The sun, moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars move relatively fast in the cycle, so they're good references for our day-to-day forecast. Meanwhile, Jupiter, Saturn and the three outer planets – Uranus, Neptune and Pluto – have a much more profound, lingering impact.

Jupiter is the biggest planet in the solar system. In astrology, it stands for expansion and sometimes luck. In 2017, Jupiter will spend most of the year touring Libra – a sign of beauty, balance, diplomacy and fairness.

When Jupiter is in Libra, these aspects will see an expansion. After a year of turbulence, 2017 might see an opportunity for reconciliation or a break from conflicts. If you want peace or reconciliation with a friend or a partner over past conflicts or misunderstandings, this is the year for you. It's set to be a year for the beauty of humanity to shine.

In March, Jupiter will be opposite Uranus, a planet of revolution and disruption. There could be a chance for disruptive changes and conflicts to die down a bit. This month will also see Jupiter forming a hard angle with Pluto, a planet of death and regeneration. If you're going through some sort of a self-regeneration, be prepared to face a more difficult time to achieve your goal.

In August, Jupiter will form a harmonious angle with Saturn, the planet known as the taskmaster. Saturn is a heavy planet – it weighs us down and wants to teach us a lesson, depending on its location. In August, Saturn will be touring Sagittarius, a sign of travel and spontaneity. This harmonious aspect will be favourable for those who want to travel – not just in the physical sense, but also on a spiritual level. This is a great time to learn to be open and playful, particularly if you have a fairly uptight personality.

Saturn will be going retrograde on April 6 – and it won't go direct until August 25. When a planet is said to go retrograde, it doesn't mean the planet is going backward – it only means that it’s moving relatively slower, as if it were going backward. Thus, when Saturn goes retrograde, it could mean our life lessons will fall a little behind schedule. The energy is heavy and isn't at all times favourable, but don’t despair – this is only a phase.

The three outer planets of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will all be going retrograde. The main one to watch is Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth. Compared to the others, Pluto is the smallest and the farthest away, but it has the profound meaning on our life’s journey. Pluto will go retrograde from April 20 to September 28. During this period, the process of regeneration will take much longer. This process could be painful, but be sure to allow yourself more patience and you’ll get through it eventually.

Last but not least, don't forget the Mercury retrogrades. Mercury is the planet of communication. When it goes retrograde, it means anything related to communications will face delay, blockage and obstacles. It could also affect communication devices, such as your mobile phones and computers. Remember to back up your data and take good care of your devices, as they might break down or get stolen. Avoid buying any communication devices or signing related contracts during this period. Fasten your seat belt and get prepared for the following dates: April 9 to May 3, August 12 to September 5 and December 3 to 22.

I wish you a fabulous and prosperous 2017 as you strive to achieve your goals.

The year ahead, planetarily speaking