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Panda love endures across the Pacific

China Daily | Updated: 2017-04-15 07:39

Panda love endures across the Pacific

Giant pandas are some of the world's most vulnerable and rare creatures. The United States has the most giant pandas outside China. [Photo provided to China Daily]

A recent example was with Bao Bao. Traveling with her were love and thinking from the American people.

"You will be forever with me Princess Pinky. I am so sad." Dawn LaValley said, calling herself Bao Bao's auntie. She sent a letter recently and a photo of her new arm tattoo, which is the head portrait of Bao Bao. "I feel so connected with you that I have a tattoo on my left arm of you."

The Chinese Embassy in Washington recently received a letter and two drawings from the Foltz family, saying that they wrote "in great appreciation" for sharing China's natural treasure, the giant panda with the American people.

Giant pandas are some of the world's most vulnerable and rare creatures, with a known population of only 1,600, mostly in China. The United States has the most giant pandas outside China, with 12 living in four cities as Washington, Atlanta, San Diego and Memphis.


(China Daily 04/15/2017 page16)

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