Having nothing to do on a Friday night?

Updated: 2006-03-24 10:00

Everyone always thinks everyone else has non-stop party weekends with wall-to-wall dates. They don't. Many cool people spend it watching TV and ordering takeaways. So don't fall for the hype.

But having nothing to do on a Friday night is definitely not a worst-case scenario. Some people just don't feel like doing anything after a hard week of work. But what if you do want to? The most important thing is that you must take the initiative. Sitting around waiting for things to happen will mostly not do the trick. Here are a few ideas:

, Phone a friend you have not seen for a while. Maybe he/she knows of a good party you could go to together. Just make sure you're welcome.

, Do something different. Spending the weekend doing the same thing at the same place can get a bit monotonous. Why not have a beach braai at designated spots, go to the drive-in, visit the casino (without your bank card), have a picnic under the stars, a pool party, a sober drive along a scenic route, or even a fondue of some sort. Chocolate always seems to be the most popular.

, Be brave. Ask that girl out that you've had your eye on since last year's Valentines' Day. What do you have to lose?

, Go to the movies, go and have a meal out somewhere, or take out a couple of DVDs and phone a few friends and invite them over.

, If you are really exhausted, consider getting into bed with a good book. Depending on the book, this can also be extremely entertaining. Video games can also be entertaining, but they're not very social.

, Watch the game with a few mates, have a few beers (that's if you're not driving) and light a fire.

, Go see a concert or a live performance.

, Throw a house party with your friends. This can be fun if you are certain about the house not getting trashed. Get everyone to bring something, so you don't spend the evening in the kitchen. Or even better, inform the neighbours that you will be having a street party. These can become quite entertaining.

, Arrange with a long lost friend to go out somewhere. Old friends usually have a way of making the night interesting, since there is so much catching up to do.